Please provide your Name and Email Address.Please provide your Name and Email addressYour Name Your NameEnter Your NameClear selectionYour Email Your EmailEnter Your Email AddressClear selectionSales Satisfaction Survey FormPlease help us improve our customer support service by completing this questionnaire.1. How satisfied are you with your overall experience with our sales team? 1. How satisfied are you with your overall experience with our sales team?Extremely satisfiedSomewhat satisfiedNeutralSomewhat dissatisfiedExtremely dissatisfiedClear selection2. How well did our sales team understand your needs and requirements? 2. How well did our sales team understand your needs and requirements?Extremely wellSomewhat wellNeutralSomewhat poorlyExtremely poorlyClear selection3. How effective was our sales team in addressing your concerns and answering your questions? 3. How effective was our sales team in addressing your concerns and answering your questions?Extremely effectiveSomewhat effectiveNeutralSomewhat ineffectiveExtremely ineffectiveClear selection4. How would you rate the quality of the products/services that you purchased from us? 4. How would you rate the quality of the products/services that you purchased from us?BadVery GoodClear selection5. How likely are you to recommend our products/services to others? 5. How likely are you to recommend our products/services to others?Extremely likelySomewhat likelyNeutralSomewhat unlikelyExtremely unlikelyClear selection6. Is there anything that our sales team could have done to improve your experience? 6. Is there anything that our sales team could have done to improve your experience?YesNoClear selectionIf the answer to question 6 is "yes", please provide any additional feedback or suggestions for improvement in the space provided below. If the answer to question 6 is "yes", please provide any additional feedback or suggestions for improvement in the space provided below.Clear selectionRestart