How To Setup An Email Account On Android Phones
Firstly, you need to log in to webmail to check “Mail Client Manual Settings“
Step1=> Login to the webmail with the email address and password
URL: (or)

After logging in to the webmail, check the “Configure Mail Client“.

Step2=> Note the “Incoming Server and Outgoing Server” to set up on an Android phone
For Secure SSL/TLS Settings (Recommended)

For Non-SSL Settings (NOT Recommended)

After you noted the Mail Client Manual Settings, you can set up an email address on the android phone.
Step3=> Open the “GMAIL” app on an android phone
Click “Other“
Step4=> Enter your email address and click “Manual Setup“

Step5=> Select the” Type of Account” that you wants to set up on the phone
Click “Personal (IMAP)”
Step6=> Enter “Password” for your email address And then click “Next”

Step7=> Setup the “Incoming Server Setting“
Remark: Server is the incoming server information that you noted from Mail Client Manual Settings
Click “Next“
And set up the “Outgoing Server Setting” also

Step 8 => Finally, you setup an email address on an android phone successfully.
Enter your name also and then click “Next“

Remark: Some steps and functions are a little different on your GMAIL app.